In this part of The Whole Armor of Elohim Bible Study, we’re going to look at Ephesians 6:14-18. What you read below comes directly from my own notes journaled over time. Feel free to leave comments with your own thoughts, understanding, etc.

The Whole Armor of Elohim (part 2)
Stand, then, having girded your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness. (Ephesians 6:14)
We must take a firm position in the spiritual battle against HaSatan. The armor fights/protects against his tactics to:
- distrust Yah
- forsake disobedience
- produce doctrinal confusion and falsehood
- hindered service to Yah
- bring division
- serive Yah in the flesh
- live hypocritically
- be worldly
- reject biblical obedience
Girding is a matter of pulling in the loose ends as preparatio for battle. The belt that pulls all the spiritual loose ends is in “truth,” so we can sincerely fight and win without hypocrisy.
As we aim to be more righteous, our breastplate will become stronger. We must faithfully live in obedience to and commune with Yeshua to produce practical, daily righteousness.
Have a lack of holiness will only leave us vulnerable to the great enemy of our souls.
And having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace. (Ephesians 6:15)
The gospel of peace pertains to the good news that through Messiah, Yah is on our side and we are at peace with the Father. We can be confident in having divine support which allows us to stand firm in Yah being our strength.
Above all, having taken up the shield of belief with which you shall have power to quench all the burning arrows of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:16)
The shield of faith is basic trust in Yah and continual trust in His Word and promises. The shield of faith protects us from temptations to every sort of sin. Temptations are likened to the flaming arrows shot by the enemy and quenched by the oil-treated leather shield.
Take also the helmet of deliverance, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Elohim. (Ephesians 6:17)
Our head is always a major target in battle, but the helmet of salvation protects it. HaSatan seeks to destroy us in our mind through all sorts of doubt and discouragement. We can stand firm knowing that security is a fact, and through obedience we have assurance.
The sword of the Ruach is used to defensively fend off HaSatan’s attacks and offensively to help destroy the enemy’s strategies. We have the Truth of Scripture!
Praying at all times, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the set-apart ones. (Ephesians 6:18)
This should always be our prayer life:
- variety
- frequency
- submission
- manner
- persistence
- objects/others
Prayer for The Whole Armor of Elohim (part 2)
Abba Father, I praise You for the ability to stand today and that I don’t have to stand on the battlefield naked. You have given me the belt of Truth, prepared my feet with peace, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation and the sword of Your Ruach.
Thank You for the boldness to fight against the enemy and not give in to any temptation or sin. Continue to srround me and my family with hosts of the shamayim to fight with us! Amen!
Looking for Part 1 of this Scripture Study? Click here!