Let’s talk about having shalom in the home… school. It’s pretty safe to say that I’ve heard it all. “How can you be around your children all day? Are you stuck at home all the time? Do you ever get stressed out?” The questions are valid, indeed – especially the last one (LOL)! The truth…
Yes, Children Can and Should Do Chores
Just like the title of this post says, “Yes, children can and should do chores.” Bryan and I have always been firm believers that chores are beneficial in more ways than one. Keep reading to check out the chores our children do (even the 3 year old), and snag a free chore chart to use…
Eating Biblically Clean: Is it really that hard?
Eating biblically clean. Those three words are the quickest way to have a heated discussion, especially if it’s with someone who thinks Yeshua made all foods clean. In spite of that, though, it’s a conversation worth having. Eating biblically clean. Those three words are the quickest way to have a heated discussion, especially if it’s…
Landforms Unit Study for Homeschoolers
This post is an amazing landforms unit study for homeschoolers that you can use to teach your elementary to middle school-aged children. Simply use the guide below along with the suggested resources for a full week of learning all about landforms! Psst… this post is part of a free resource train with 9 other bloggers…
5 Things Torah Observant Believers Wished Others Would Stop Saying to Them
One thing I’ve learned from pursuing Torah is there are specific things Torah observant believers wished others would stop saying to them. Being about seven years into our walk as a Torah Observant believing family, you would think we would be able to dodge much of what is dished our way because of our beliefs….