Teaching art history from a biblical perspective is much easier than you think. Despite how modern-day would like to teach it, art history is something that started from the beginning and from the Creator (Yahweh) Himself. Keep reading for an out-of-the-box approach to teaching art from history found in the Scriptures.
How To Teach Art History from a Biblical Perspective
Type “art history” into any search engine and you’ll quickly be met with articles and photos from well known artists such as Michelangelo and Vincent Van Gogh. Type in “biblical art history” and the responses will be those of artists who attempted to paint images of stories taken from the Bible that are far from accurate.
From the Tabernacle and the furniture within to the construction of King Solomon’s house, art was something that started much earlier than what modern day teaches. Below are a few ways to use Scripture to teach art history in your homeschool.
Start from the beginning.
Although it may not be seen as art, creation itself is the very artwork of the Creator, Yahweh. With each spoken Word, He created every sunrise, sunset, landscape, and all of the nature we see. Think of the artwork that is created using nature itself! Starting from the very beginning, in the book of Genesis, we can begin to see artwork and creativity.
Take note of artists found in Scripture.
Besides the Creator, there are several mentions in the Bible that show abilities to create and design. There are a few you may already be familiar with:
- Cain built a city (Genesis 4:17)
- Tubal-Cain was a smith of all kinds of tools (Genesis 4:22)
- Noah built an ark (Genesis 6)
- Tower of Babel built (Genesis 11)
- Aaron builds the golden calf (Exodus 32:4)
- King Solomon builds the temple (1 Kings 6)
These are great starting points to learning about art history from a biblical perspective. There’s no doubt that these people had to be creative, gifted, and talented to build the things they did.
Create a unit study.
Using some of the aforementioned as starting points, you can build an entire unit study based on art-related Scriptures. Once you find a passage, study it out and find out everything you can about it. In my Biblical Art History eCourse, I teach students not only about the materials used in building things like the temple, but also the significance of them. This can certainly make for an interesting study and sheds light on why the Creator wanted things a certain way.
Use reliable resources.
I’m always an advocate for using the Bible as the number one resource, especially when learning something from a biblical perspective. You can also use a variety of concordances, commentaries, and online resources (websites, videos, old publications, etc.). Just be sure to vet them out so you’ll know that it’s reliable (or not).
Biblical Art History: A Self-Paced Course for Homeschoolers
I went on a search for art history from a biblical perspective and was shocked to not find much at all. So, several years ago, I set out to study and teach a course that would teach art history from the beginning of time.
This course will teach about the actual origin of art from an ancient Biblical perspective. The course will start with the Ultimate Creator of the Universe and all within in and highlight some of the greatest kind of art ever created. From the Tabernacle and the furniture within to the construction of King Solomon’s house, art was something that started much earlier than what modern day teaches.
The pages included are created in notebooking style and can be used for lapbooks, notebooks, or worksheets. They are meant to coincide with the videos prepared for this course.
About This Course:
- 4 weeks in duration (1 class per week)
- Detailed instructional videos
- 46-page printable PDF to use for created an interactive workbook
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