Eating biblically clean. Those three words are the quickest way to have a heated discussion, especially if it’s with someone who thinks Yeshua made all foods clean. In spite of that, though, it’s a conversation worth having.
Eating biblically clean. Those three words are the quickest way to have a heated discussion, especially if it’s with someone who thinks Yeshua made all foods clean. In spite of that, though, it’s a conversation worth having.
But first… My personal testimony.
I grew up on the furthest end away from Torah. In fact, I couldn’t tell you anything about the Old Testament except the cute Sunday School stories and a few things from Psalms and Proverbs.
One church after the other and from denomination to denomination, Torah was never part of a preacher’s sermon. Therefore, I grew up like most people I know… eating whatever because it was considered “food.”
I now hate to admit it but chitterlings were my favorite food. My uncle and I would fight over them at Thanksgiving and Christmas. They were a prized food for my family because no one was cleaning and cooking them except my precious Aunt Deborah (rest in peace Auntie).
I also LOVED shrimp and lobster. My Daddy (rest in peace Daddy) took me to Red Lobster every year for my birthday for about a decade. In other words, you couldn’t tell me there were certain foods I didn’t need to eat, especially because “God” said so.
The Truth of the Matter
Well, there are several truths actually. The first and most important is that YHVH set the blueprint in stone for how He wants us to live. It was never to harm us or be something that we couldn’t do. Keep in mind that I’m speaking of our livelihood, not the things that would show that we need a Savior.
Second, there are scientific backings to animals, insects, birds, fish, etc. that were not considered food. Here are a few:
- Pigs can transmit trichinosis to humans. Both tapeworms and trichinosis can cause a significant inflammatory response in the body, leading to numerous chronic conditions.
- Other unclean animals can transmit infections to humans such as parasitic infection (primarily due to undercooked crabs, shrimp, or snails).
- Salmonella, hepatitis A, cholera, and paralytic can be caused by shellfish poisoning.
Last but not least, just because we should not eat unclean animals doesn’t mean they don’t have a purpose. YHVH is the Ultimate Creator and He knows what is best. Every unclean animal has a purpose that primarily points to keeping the environments they live in clean. Eating them does not make our bodies clean! LOL!
So, is eating biblically clean really that hard?
Short answer – no. Long answer – yes. But why? Again, many of us were raised to believe that “Jesus made all foods clean” or anything from the Old Testament that wasn’t outright talked about in the New Testament was “nailed to the cross.”
Both are wrong and take a bit of reprogramming and rewiring to understand – especially in their proper context. I don’t want to go down that road when so many others have already laid amazing foundations about that. Here are a few to check out:
- Did Yeshua declare all foods clean? (Unlearn the Lies)
- Unclean Animals (New2Torah)
- To Eat or Not To Eat, Part 1 (Jim Staley, Passion for Truth)
- To Eat or Not to Eat, Part 2 (Jim Staley, Passion for Truth)
How to Change the Mindset
At the end of the day, it’s all about our mindset. When you think about it, our entire life is built upon a mindset. Who we choose to believe and follow will ultimately dictate what we say and do. When it comes to the foods we eat, the same is true.
Whatever we are taught to believe about food shows in how and what we eat. In some cultures, it’s considered polite to eat and burp loudly. In others, the “nastier” or “more eclectic” the food, the better.
If we are going to choose to do Bible things in Bible ways, then we must allow the Author to be the final authority and persuader of our mindset. Here are some tips for helping change the mindset about eating unclean vs. clean foods.
Understand there are many more clean foods to eat.
This is what made it click for me personally. At first, I was stuck on what I couldn’t eat and super upset that I couldn’t have a BLT. But that’s just it. I COULD! Pork bacon is not the only bacon available. There’s beef bacon, turkey bacon, banana peel bacon, and so on – all of which taste better than pork bacon.
Not being able to have something pork or shellfish-based doesn’t mean I’m missing out on tons of foods to eat.
Familiarize yourself with the health benefits.
Without doing much research, most people know there are health risks tied to eating too much pork and shellfish. It’s typically the first thing they are told by their doctors to cut out. Why? Because they are always tied to some disease despite being told they also have vitamins and nutrients good for us. Things that make you go hmmm.
Instead of focusing on the health risks of harmful foods, take time to familiarize yourself with the health benefits of clean foods. This knowledge will help your mindset and eventually increase your desire to eat them.
Slowly start making the changes.
This doesn’t have to be molasses slow, but there may be a learning curve. With unclean foods taking up much of the shelves in grocery stores (especially in the meat department), it’s easier to grab pork bacon versus taking the time to find a clean version.
This is also where having help comes in handy, like searching Pinterest or YouTube for recipe ideas. I just so happen to have a Clean Eating YouTube Playlist and a Kosher Meal Planning Pinterest Board you can follow.
Start with one meal at a time and begin swapping out unclean foods. You’ll also want to pay attention to foods that are processed to ensure they do not contain no-no ingredients. This takes things to another level but is certainly worth it.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to eating biblically clean, there can be a lot of hesitation. Hopefully, my tips and suggestions will help you get on a path to truly understanding the ways of Yah and why He created things the way He did. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!