If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, then you know that I don’t think these plandemics come out of nowhere. This is why I’m writing this post to share ways to prepare your family for the next pandemic. I want to help you stay in front of the mess and continue living happy and thriving lives.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Family for the Next Pandemic
First and foremost, it’s always important to learn from the past. Last plandemic, most stores, businesses, and shops followed suit with requiring masks, social distances, and other stressful means just to do simple business. These are things I’m keeping in mind as I bring you my list of prep tips.
1. Decide your level of compliance and do not waver.
This is something every family has to choose for themselves. Regardless of what you choose, do not waver and stand firm in your convictions. My family and I choose to not ever wear masks, follow floor stickers, or stay 6 feet apart – but that’s us. What you will see unfolding around you may attempt to convince you that compliance is best, but it’s not… especially when there are no real benefits.
2. Create a plan B for shopping.
Let’s face it, there is no way around shopping for your everyday essentials. Last plandemic, stores were ransacked and shelves swiped clean. We saw inflation at an all-time high along with supply and shipping issues. If the stores you were shopping at made shopping more stressful and overwhelming, then find places and solutions that won’t.
Our family shops with an American-based store that offers easy online shopping and has most essentials we were already purchasing at big box stores. They never had supply issues because they source and manufacture all of their own products. And, they never had distribution problems because they take care of shipping as well. This will always be our plan A!
3. Prepare to supplement your children’s education.
Whether you are a homeschooling family or your children are in public, private, or a charter school, create an educational backup plan. This can look a number of ways, but at the very least, be prepared to take your child’s education into your own hands.
For homeschooling families, a backup plan may look something like opting in for virtual field trips (since some places may shut down completely), taking online classes, or changing curriculum altogether. If you are the parent of a public or private schooled child, look into homeschool pods, online learning options, and/or create a backup homeschool group made up of public/private school moms.
4. Do not stress.
I say this because we never realize how much we don’t have control over something until we’re met with something like a plandemic. Governments around the world seem to get very tyrannical and suddenly everything seems to be falling apart. Last go-around, schools shut down, businesses were closed, and jobs were lost. These can create highly stressful situations, which in return, may cause you to make irrational decisions.
I hate to say it, but part of that is their plan to gain even more control over our lives. Instead of stressing, always look for opportunities and the blessing.
5. Pray and trust The Most High (Yahweh).
If you are a believer in Yahweh, then this should be a non-negotiable. The Scriptures tell us plainly that things like this are going to happen and that it’s part of end times prophecy. Therefore, we have nothing to truly fear! If you are prone to being stressed out, then I recommend finding a few key Scriptures that you memorize and go to in the event you start to become overwhelmed. Journaling also helps too! Be sure to implement this with your children as well to help them handle what they may encounter.
Final Thoughts About Ways to Prepare Your Family for the Next Pandemic
I don’t know about you, but I saw this coming… it was just a matter of time. The WHO, WEF, and Elites have been planning “scenarios” like this for decades and we just so happen to be living during this one. As a reminder, don’t let what goes on around you dictate what you do and stay strong in your convictions. This too shall pass.