Being entrepreneurs ourselves, Bryan and I believe there are several books every teen entrepreneur should read. These books are packed with advice, knowledge, and skills that most of us didn’t learn until adulthood. Imagine if we had read these books and implemented what we learned sooner than later?

What if my teen doesn’t want to be an entrepreneur?
Even if your teen doesn’t want to be an entrepreneur, the books we are suggesting are still great reads for personal development. By reading these books, your teen will learn ways to communicate better, be better stewards of their resources, and have knowledge to put on the shelf for later.
And if your teen does want to be an entrepreneur… then, you’ll be setting them up to build a profitable and lucrative business!
5 Books Every Teen Entrepreneur Should Read
Rich Dad Poor Dad
This book was a huge eye opener for me and the primary reason why it’s number one on my list. My husband would probably choose another book as his number one, but we both agree that Robert has a way of explaining things. At the very least, this book does exactly what its subtitle suggests – teaches principles that the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not!
As A Man Thinketh
If you’re a believer in The Most High (Yahweh), then you probably know that the power of thoughts is a biblically-rooted concept. There are many Scriptures that shed light on the mind, thoughts, and how those can determine a person’s outcomes in life. I particularly enjoy James P. Allen’s biblically-based take on describing how man is the creator and shaper of his destiny by the thoughts which he thinks.
Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know
You may be thinking, “Why should my teen read a book about leadership if they are going to be an entrepreneur?” The simplest answer to that question is John Maxwell’s leadership principles also help with:
- following a vision
- producing a lasting legacy
- growing loyalty with followers
- increasing ability to influence others
- empowering others through mentoring
- and more
The Maxwell Daily Reader
This is a book that your teen will read on a daily basis with snippets taken from a variety of John Maxwell books. Each excerpt is thought-provoking and will give your teen something to think deeply about. It will also help see areas of their life that need growth and development. It’s actually a good daily reader to do as a family.
Atomic Habits
If you want your teen to understand the power of habits, this is the book for them (and you, too!). James Clear does an amazing job using everyday examples to show the power of creating habits and success in life. Disclaimer: This book does make mention of a few adult subjects so it is recommended for mature teens.
How to Get My Teen to Read Personal Development Books
If you are dealing with a reluctant reader, no worries! Here are a few quick and practical suggestions for helping them read books that are sure to grow them personally (and professionally):
- Read the books together.
- Start a book club.
- Make it fun.
- Reward them for reading.
Final Thoughts
Setting your teen up for ultimate success goes far beyond what they learn in their academic journey. Whether you are homeschooling or not, you can help your child get a jumpstart on learning critical skills by having them read the books mentioned above. Keep in mind that your child doesn’t have to be pursuing entrepreneurship to read these. They are great books to read for personal and professional development altogether!
What are some good books you recommend for entrepreneurial teens (or not) to read?
Psst… Help Your Teen Retain What They Read With These!
There’s proven research behind increased retention by notetaking. As an adult (and when I was a child), I like to take notes and keep journals to take notes of whatever I’m reading. These journals and notebooks also serve as a resource I can return back to time and time again anytime I need a refresher.
Help your teen retain what they read from personal and professional development books with my FREE Notebooking Templates Pack! It features 8 different templates to help note taking be more fun and creative.